8 Indicators and statistics

8.1 Expected sideout rate

It is common to see passer performance reported as a single number bsaed on pass ratings, using a weighting scheme to combine them. For example, a perfect pass might be worth 3 points, an “OK” pass 2 points, a poor pass 1 point, and an error 0 points. Then a passer who passed one perfect pass, one poor pass, and one error would have a performance rating of (3 + 1 + 0)/3 = 1.333. However, the weightings used in this type of approach are often arbitrary (why should a perfect pass be 3 times as valuable as a poor pass?)

Expected sideout rate uses pass ratings to evaluate passing performance, but with a more principled approach to assigning the value of the different pass outcomes. It weights each pass rating according to the league-average sideout rate associated with it. For example, if the league-average sideout rate on a perfect pass is 75%, and the league-average sideout rate on a poor pass is 50%, then a perfect pass should be worth 75/50 = 1.5 times as much as a poor pass.

We can implement this by first calculating the league-average sideout rate on each pass rating, using a reference data set which is usually a whole-league data set or similar (note that in this example, purely for convenience, we are using data px from a single match as its own reference. This is generally not a good idea, as noted below):

lso <- px %>% dplyr::filter(skill == "Reception") %>% group_by(.data$evaluation) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(expected_sideout_rate = mean(.data$team == .data$point_won_by, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% ungroup

This tells us the relative value of each pass rating:

#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   evaluation                  expected_sideout_rate
#>   <chr>                                       <dbl>
#> 1 Error                                       0    
#> 2 Negative, limited attack                    0.512
#> 3 OK, no first tempo possible                 0.444
#> 4 Perfect pass                                0.808
#> 5 Poor, no attack                             0    
#> 6 Positive, attack                            0.688

(As a side note — you can see that in this case an “OK” pass (e.g. a pass on the 3m line) has a value of 0.44, which is lower than the value of a negative pass (a poorer pass than an “OK” one — value 0.51). This is because we are using only a single match as our reference data set, and it just so happens that in this particular match the sideout rate on negative passes was better than on OK passes. With a larger reference data set from many matches, these types of inconsistencies will be greatly reduced.)

Then we can join our lso data back to our target px data set, creating an expected_sideout_rate value associated with each pass. The overall expected sideout rate for a given player or team is then just the average of the expected_sideout_rate values of all of their passes:

px %>% dplyr::filter(.data$skill == "Reception") %>% left_join(lso, by = "evaluation") %>%
    group_by(.data$player_id, .data$player_name) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(n_receptions = n(),
                     expected_sideout_rate = mean(.data$expected_sideout_rate, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 9 × 4
#>   player_id player_name       n_receptions expected_sideout_rate
#>   <chr>     <chr>                    <int>                 <dbl>
#> 1 162       Jakub Peszko                 3                 0.647
#> 2 164       Bartosz Mariański           27                 0.545
#> 3 231       Adrian Buchowski            28                 0.536
#> 4 30341     Tomas Rousseaux             21                 0.543
#> 5 30511     Jake Langlois               29                 0.470
#> 6 420       Lukas Tichacek               2                 0.512
#> 7 456       Rafał Sobański              25                 0.549
#> 8 561       Marcin Komenda               1                 0    
#> 9 656       Michał Potera               24                 0.649

8.2 Expected breakpoint rate

An analogous approach can be used to calculate expected breakpoint rate, as a measure of serving performance.

lbp <- px %>% dplyr::filter(skill == "Serve") %>% group_by(.data$evaluation) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(expected_breakpoint_rate = mean(.data$team == .data$point_won_by, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% ungroup


px %>% dplyr::filter(.data$skill == "Serve") %>% left_join(lbp, by = "evaluation") %>%
    group_by(.data$player_id, .data$player_name) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(n_serves = n(),
                     expected_breakpoint_rate = mean(.data$expected_breakpoint_rate, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 19 × 4
#>    player_id player_name          n_serves expected_breakpoint_rate
#>    <chr>     <chr>                   <int>                    <dbl>
#>  1 162       Jakub Peszko                1                    0    
#>  2 172       Wojciech Sobala             2                    0.270
#>  3 22529     Rafał Faryna               11                    0.364
#>  4 22531     Bartłomiej Grzechnik       13                    0.319
#>  5 22706     Maciej Fijałek              1                    0.270
#>  6 231       Adrian Buchowski           15                    0.480
#>  7 235       Tomasz Kowalski             2                    0.244
#>  8 29752     Dawid Woch                  2                    0.488
#>  9 29886     Emanuel Kohut              15                    0.313
#> 10 30341     Tomas Rousseaux            16                    0.374
#> 11 30511     Jake Langlois              11                    0.264
#> 12 420       Lukas Tichacek             22                    0.392
#> 13 433       Bartosz Krzysiek            7                    0.377
#> 14 450       Artur Ratajczak            13                    0.461
#> 15 456       Rafał Sobański             13                    0.399
#> 16 488       Karol Butryn               15                    0.376
#> 17 516       Bartłomiej Krulicki        20                    0.437
#> 18 561       Marcin Komenda             11                    0.363
#> 19 632       Jan Fornal                  3                    0.325

8.3 Set assist rate

The assist rate is the proportion of sets that yield an attack kill. The lead function from the dplyr package helps here, allowing us to augment the “set” data rows with the outcome of the associated attack (which will be in the data row following the set data row):

## first add a variable indicating whether a set was followed by a kill by the same team
px %>% mutate(set_had_attack_kill = .data$skill == "Set" & lead(.data$skill) == "Attack" &
                  lead(.data$evaluation) == "Winning attack" & lead(.data$team) == .data$team) %>%
    ## then filter to just set rows
    filter(.data$skill == "Set") %>%
    ## and summarize as desired
    group_by(.data$team, .data$phase) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(assist_rate = sum(set_had_attack_kill, na.rm = TRUE) / n())
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#> # Groups:   team [2]
#>   team         phase      assist_rate
#>   <chr>        <chr>            <dbl>
#> 1 GKS Katowice Reception        0.431
#> 2 GKS Katowice Transition       0.478
#> 3 MKS Będzin   Reception        0.429
#> 4 MKS Będzin   Transition       0.355

Note that this relies on all set and attack actions being scouted (i.e. there is a row in our px data frame for every set, as well as for every attack. Some scouts do not record all ball touches — digs and sets are the most commonly-omitted skills.)