7 Filtering and subsetting

Some different examples of extracting particular parts of the play-by-play data.

7.1 Attack after perfect or good reception

Aim: find attacks after perfect or good reception

In the Reception quality section, we added a reception_quality column to our data frame. We can use this now to identify reception-phase attacks, in rallies where reception was good or perfect:

px %>% dplyr::filter(skill == "Attack" & phase == "Reception" & grepl("Perfect|Positive", reception_quality)) %>%
  group_by(team) %>% dplyr::summarize(kill_rate = mean(evaluation == "Winning attack"))
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   team         kill_rate
#>   <chr>            <dbl>
#> 1 GKS Katowice     0.636
#> 2 MKS Będzin       0.585

7.2 Players on court

Aim: to extract the subset of our plays dataframe that correspond to points where particular players were on court.

First some helper functions:

## find rows where a single player is on court
player_on_court <- function(x, target_player_id, team = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(team)) team <- match.arg(team, c("home", "visiting"))
  ## 'team' is optional here, if NULL then we look at both home and visiting teams
  idx <- rep(FALSE, nrow(x))
  if (is.null(team) || team == "home") {
    idx <- idx | x$home_player_id1 == target_player_id | x$home_player_id2 == target_player_id | x$home_player_id3 == target_player_id |
                 x$home_player_id4 == target_player_id | x$home_player_id5 == target_player_id | x$home_player_id6 == target_player_id
  if (is.null(team) || team == "visiting") {
    idx <- idx | x$visiting_player_id1 == target_player_id | x$visiting_player_id2 == target_player_id | x$visiting_player_id3 == target_player_id |
                 x$visiting_player_id4 == target_player_id | x$visiting_player_id5 == target_player_id | x$visiting_player_id6 == target_player_id
  idx[is.na(idx)] <- FALSE

## find rows where any of our target players are on court
any_player_on_court <- function(x, target_player_ids, team = NULL) {
  ## for each target player, find rows where they are on court
  out <- lapply(target_player_ids, function(pid) player_on_court(x, target_player_id = pid, team = team))
  ## and now find rows where ANY of those players were on court
  apply(do.call(cbind, out), 1, any)

## find rows where all of our target players are on court
all_players_on_court <- function(x, target_player_ids, team = NULL) {
  ## for each target player, find rows where they are on court
  out <- lapply(target_player_ids, function(pid) player_on_court(x, target_player_id = pid, team = team))
  ## and now find rows where ALL of those players were on court
  apply(do.call(cbind, out), 1, all)

And then we can apply these functions, for example to find rows when both of the players with id BR5 and BR10 are on court:

nrow(px) ## the number of rows in the full dataframe
#> [1] 1652
my_target_player_ids <- c("BR5", "BR10")
px2 <- px[all_players_on_court(px, my_target_player_ids), ]
nrow(px2) ## the number of rows in the filtered dataframe
#> [1] 0

7.3 First transition attack

Aim: find rows corresponding to the first transition attack opportunity in each rally (i.e. after the receiving team has attacked, find the first attack by the serving team).

As noted in the Identifiers setion, each team’s dig-set-attack (or whatever touches they make on their side of the net) has a unique team_touch_id value. First we find the team_touch_id values for reception-phase play, and then add one to each to get the next team touch (i.e. the first transition play, by the other team — but note that this next touch also has to be part of the same point, so we keep track of point_id too):

ttid <- px %>% dplyr::filter(skill == "Reception") %>% distinct(match_id, point_id, team_touch_id) %>% 
    mutate(team_touch_id = team_touch_id+1, is_fta = TRUE)
## join this to px
px <- px %>% left_join(ttid, by = c("match_id", "point_id", "team_touch_id")) %>%
    mutate(is_fta = case_when(is.na(is_fta) ~ FALSE, TRUE ~ is_fta)) ## clean up the NAs

The px$is_fta column should be TRUE for all actions that are in first-transition play, and you can extract what you need from that (filter just the attacks, or whatever you need).